Alexis Hucteau IDHmi DNA methylation analysis

Notes about all the analysis on Koichi DNA methylation data and other datasets

View the Project on GitHub AlexisHucteau/Koichi_Methylation_analysis


Analysis of DNA methylation through IDHm inhibitor treatment

Git des analyses de methylation de l’ADN en fonction du traitement à l’inhibiteur d’IDHm.

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Koichi Patients analysis

L’idée est de faire 5 groupes :

Et de discriminer les mutations IDH1 et IDH2

Comparer Bon et Mauvais responder at Baseline -> DMR_Response

Comparer Baseline et CD34+ -> DMR IDH

Prendre DMR specific de la réponse

Comparer Bon et Mauvais responder at post treatment -> DMR residuel

Comparer Post et Baseline -> DMR traitement

Prendre (DMR residuel - DMR traitement) union avec response specific DMR

Comparer ces response specific DMR avec les IDH specific DMR des WGBS.

Pheno A Pheno B Number of DMRs Number of genes R object
Bad responder Baseline Control CD34+ 131 119 DMR_Bad_Baseline_vs_Control_annotated
Good responder Baseline Control CD34+ 197 127 DMR_Good_Baseline_vs_Control_annotated
Bad responder Baseline Good responder Baseline 240 321 DMR_Good_vs_Bad_Baseline_annotated
Good Baseline vs Control Bad Baseline vs Control 62 94 Specific_Bad_response_annotated
Bad responder Post treatment Control CD34+ 235 185 DMR_Bad_Post_vs_Control_annotated
Good responder Post treatment Control CD34+ 109 68 DMR_Good_Post_vs_Control_annotated
Good Post vs Control Bad Post vs Control 95 112 Specific_Bad_response_post_annotated

Wilson WGBS analysis

DMR IDH1 vs other AML subtypes

4388 DMRs

DMR IDH2 vs other AML subtypes

2552 DMRs

Overlap between Wilson WGBS and Illumina EPIC IDHm inhibitor response

DMR analysis number of overlap with IDH1 number of overlap with IDH2 parameter changed of overlap number of overlap with IDH1 number of overlap with IDH2
IDH1/2_DMR_WGBS_Good_responder_Baseline 4 2 max gap = 100 5 3
IDH1/2_DMR_WGBS_Bad_responder_Baseline 5 2 max gap = 100 5 3
IDH1/2_DMR_WGBS_Specific_Bad_responder_Baseline 0 0 max gap = 100 1 1
IDH1/2_DMR_WGBS_Good_responder_Post 2 1      
IDH1/2_DMR_WGBS_Bad_responder_Post 2 0      
IDH1/2_DMR_WGBS_Specific_Bad_responder_Post 0 0      

Analysis between Genes annotation from the two analysis

DMR analysis Number of genes overlapping IDH1 IDH2 list of genes IDH1 IDH2