Alexis Hucteau PhD project


Notes about all the project advances and researches during the PhD

View the Project on GitHub AlexisHucteau/PhD_project


Notes about the paper

New statistical model and computer program designed for detection of differential alternative splicing from replicate RNA-seq data.

sensitive to outliers

How to run rMATS code?

Download gitrepo:

Install it from the rmats folder and run:


The test script that creates a conda environment doesn’t work but the main script works

Need fastq or bam files (paired or not), a gtf annotation file and a STAR binary indices containing the SA file (if using fastq)

python ../../rmats_turbo_v4_1_1/ --b1 bam1.txt --b2 bam2.txt --gtf ~/Annotation_file_gtf/gencode.v38.annotation.gtf -t paired --readLength 50 --nthread 8 --od output/ --tmp tmp/

An example of result:

EventType TotalEventsJC TotalEventsJCEC SignificantEventsJC SigEventsJCSample1HigherInclusion SigEventsJCSample2HigherInclusion SignificantEventsJCEC SigEventsJCECSample1HigherInclusion SigEventsJCECSample2HigherInclusion
SE 36 64 0 0 0 1 1 0
A5SS 19 23 0 0 0 0 0 0
A3SS 24 30 0 0 0 1 0 1
MXE 10 46 0 0 0 0 0 0
RI 76 102 5 4 1 4 1 3

SE = skipped exon
MXE = mutually exclusive exons
A3SS = alternative 3’ splice site
A5SS = alternative 5’ splice site
RI = retained intron


Rmatsashimiplot is a git repo that permits to create sashimiplot of the result of rmats

Installation of rmats2sashimiplot

Download the git repo

If using python3, you need to convert python2 script to pyton3 by running:

./ -W

Then install it

python ./ install


It need bam/sam files, the coordinates to focus or the row lines of a specific event.

RI.MATS.JC_selected.txt example focusing on VIM gene:

ID GeneID geneSymbol chr strand riExonStart_0base riExonEnd upstreamES upstreamEE downstreamES downstreamEE ID IJC_SAMPLE_1 SJC_SAMPLE_1 IJC_SAMPLE_2 SJC_SAMPLE_2 IncFormLen SkipFormLen PValue FDR IncLevel1 IncLevel2 IncLevelDifference
3497 ENSG00000026025.16 VIM chr10 + 17235168 17236379 17235168 17235389 17235845 17236379 3497 1,3 3,4 0,0 2,0 98 49 1 1 0.143,0.273 0.0,NA 0.208
3498 ENSG00000026025.16 VIM chr10 + 17235845 17236379 17235845 17235889 17236293 17236379 3498 4,3 1,2 0,0 1,1 98 49 5.36756132241E-06 0.000407934660503 0.667,0.429 0.0,0.0 0.548

Example of command:

rmats2sashimiplot --b1 231ESRP.25K.rep-1.bam,231ESRP.25K.rep-2.bam --b2 231EV.25K.rep-1.bam,231EV.25K.rep-2.bam -t RI --l1 TestA --l2 Test2 -o output2/ -e output/RI.MATS.JC_selected.txt

The output is: